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Seminars & Conferences
1. Selected among the best 51 among all PMRFs by a national committee and presented a highlighted poster entitled "Why proteins remain active and stable inside deep eutectic solvents (DES)?" in the PMRF Symposium 2023. (download the Poster here) (Certificate)
2. Presented a poster entitled "Spatial and Dynamical Heterogeneity of a Room Temperature & Non-ionic Potential Biocatalytic Deep Eutectic Solvents" in the Research Scholar Day-2022, IIT Kanpur. (download the poster here)
3.. Attended FCS 2021, a National workshop on Fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy and presented a poster titled “Can a Sugar Polyol Alter the Spatial and Dynamic Heterogeneity in a Non-Ionic Deep Eutectic Solvent? Clues Form Translational, Rotational and Solvation Dynamics.” (download the PPT here) (Certificate)
4. Attended FCS 2020, a National workshop on Fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy and presented a poster titled “Correlating Bromelain’s Activity with its Structure, Active-site Dynamics and Media’s Physical Properties in a Hydrated Deep Eutectic Solvent.” (download the PPT here) (Certificate)
5. Delivered state of art seminar on “A comparison of different size-measuring techniques” during PhD in IIT Kanpur. (download the PPT here)
6. Presented poster during M.Sc. thesis defence entitled “ Plasmonic Bi nanoparticle decorated BiVO4/rGO as an efficient photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting.”
7. Attended an international workshop entitled “ Photofunctional gold molecules and nanomaterials ” organized by IIT Hyderabad & Ritsumeikan university.
8. “DST-Inspire Internship Science camp -2013”– In association with Inspire (DST) and JBNSTS (April 25-29, 2013).
9. Participated in the creation of Radio Programs for Community Radio JU as part of the Radio Mathematics project supported by the Department of Science and Technology, India.
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